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Tracing the Roots of Surname 'Pagan': A Deep Dive into Ancestry with iGENEA DNA Testing

Family name Pagan

Recently, I delved into my ancestry by availing iGENEA's DNA testing service. The test, focused on decoding the genetic details imbibed in my Y-DNA, mtDNA, and autosomal DNA, offered an unprecedented insight into the roots of my surname, Pagan.

K. Pagan

My experience with the iGENEA DNA test has been profoundly informative and insightful. The testing process, characterized by a simple cheek swab method, was convenient and unproblematic, requiring no clinical help. The technicalities of ancestry testing at iGENEA integrate the analysis of both autosomal and sex chromosomes, incorporating the paternal Y-DNA and maternal mtDNA for a comprehensive genetic insight.

An engaging feature that stands out from the test is the tracing of deep ancestry, derived from localized gene pools that enable one to discern origins from historical ethnic groups dating back to the prehistoric era. This has been significant in my understanding of my surname "Pagan."

The results disclosed that the lineage of "Pagan" has a multi-regional influence, most prominently from Western Europe and the Mediterranean region. The results showed connection to several ancient tribes including Gallo-Roman and Celtic, reflecting a rich cultural and historical heritage embodied in the Pagan ancestry.

From the accuracy standpoint, I appreciate that iGENEA provides an estimate of certainty levels with the results, acknowledging that DNA testing cannot provide a 100% accurate depiction of personal ancestry. As an evidence-backed attempt to extrapolate lineages from common genetic markers, the test results offered a compelling and authority base for understanding my genetic heritage under the surname "Pagan."

The test outcome has enhanced my knowledge of the deep-rooted history, ethnic origination, and the cultural dynamic of "Pagan" lineage. The revealing connection between the Pagan ancestry and historical tribal settlements across Western Europe and the Mediterranean region has been an exciting discovery, opening avenues to explore the complexity of my family's past further.

K. Pagan

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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