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A Journey Into My Ancestral Roots: Uncovering The Story of Kerns Through iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Kern

Who knew a DNA test could be such a profound journey into one's ancestry? iGENEA gave me a new understanding of my surname, Kern, and connected me to a global community of Kerns.

O. Kern

My experience with the iGENEA DNA test has been profound and enlightening. As someone with a keen interest in my family's history, the test offered me unparalleled insights into my lineage and roots that I could have hardly gleaned from any other source.

Firstly, I discovered the in-depth history of my surname, Kern. The iGENEA test digs deep - it took me through the rich journey of the Kern name, which it traced to Celtic origins. This was an unexpected revelation! Until now, my understanding was that the Kern surname was German but learning of its Celtic roots was quite an eye-opener.

The iGENEA test also shed light on how my ancestors, the Kerns, migrated across Europe, predominantly in the Celtic regions, and eventually ended up in Germany. This gave me a deeper appreciation of their experience, their struggle and endurance through the ages.

Beyond the fascinating details about my surname, the test connected me to a larger network of Kerns worldwide. It was thrilling to note that I share a genetic connection to some of these individuals. This global tribe that I am now connected to has made me feel part of a larger modern community, tied together by shared genetic markers and a common surname.

A standout feature of the iGENEA DNA test is its comprehensive and user-friendly database that allowed me to connect with this community. The opportunities for connection are enormous, this unique tool paved the way to not just putting a name but also a face and story to these distant relatives.

The test compelled me to reflect upon the journey undertaken by generations before me and has given me a renewed sense of kinship with my fellow Kerns. The clarity and understanding I have gained regarding my ancestral roots has made the iGENEA test a worthy investment. For anyone curious about their ancestry, I can't recommend it enough.

O. Kern

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerCeltic DNAGenealogy DNAGermanic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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