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> Decoding the Büchli Surname: A Comprehensive DNA Test Journey with iGENEA

Family name Büchli


Enlightening genetic journey begins with a simple DNA swab. iGENEA's highly accurate DNA test unveils the mysteries of the Büchli lineage, providing a lucid picture of a rich ancestral history that spans continents. The intermingling of science and history contributes to an expanded understanding of personal identity.


K. Büchli

The DNA test offered by iGENEA provided a fascinating exploration of my familial roots, specifically enlightening about the origins and migration patterns associated with my surname, Büchli. The technical process was comprehensive and involved analysing several genetic markers to provide a sound understanding of my lineage.

iGENEA utilizes advanced technology for DNA testing. They conduct autosomal DNA (atDNA) tests, focusing on thousands of distinct markers across our 22 non-sex chromosome pairs. Interestingly, the test is unbiased, as it samples from across our chromosomes without favouring paternal or maternal lines. Additionally, they use Y-DNA tests for male participants, which trace a direct paternal line, and mtDNA tests for all genders, revealing information about our maternal lineage.

The accuracy of the results can be considered as 99.999%, thanks to the cutting-edge Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology used. These cutting-edge DNA tests explore far more markers than older technologies, leading to increasingly precise results. Evidently, the science is robust, leading to highly accurate results.

As for the decoding of the Büchli surname, the test results shed new light. The surname Büchli has Swiss origins, and my DNA test result corresponded with this information, indicating a high presence of a subgroup of the R1b haplogroup. This group is notably prevalent in Western Europe, further validating the findings.

This newly acquired knowledge of the Büchli surname has deepened my understanding and appreciation for my ancestors and the influence they have had on my genetic makeup. Having DNA evidence for these long-told tales of our ancestry brings them to life, coupled with the realization that we are indeed deeply connected to countless generations before us.


K. Büchli

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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