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The DNA profile of Ramses III.

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The DNA of Ramses III.

Ramses III, also known as the last great pharaoh of the New Kingdom era in Egypt, played a significant role in the long history of ancient Egypt. Historical and scientific research has revealed much about his life, reign, and genetic roots. This information provides both a macro-historical context of the events that took place during his reign and a deeper understanding of his personal history and influence.

Ramses III was the second pharaoh of the 20th Dynasty and ruled from 1186 to 1155 B.C. He was the son of Sethnakht and is often compared to the great Ramses II. During his reign, Egypt was one of the leading powers in the Middle East. Among his greatest achievements was the construction of Medinet Habu, a temple and palace complex in Thebes.

Despite great civilizational successes, Egypt faced significant economic and political challenges during his reign. Ramses III faced, among other things, the invasions of the "Sea Peoples," which he successfully repelled. However, the final years of his reign were overshadowed by internal turmoil and a royal conspiracy that ultimately led to his death.

The scientific study of Ramses III has provided valuable insight into his genetic roots. One such highly interesting finding is that Ramses III belonged to the paternal haplogroup E1b1a. A haplogroup is a genetic group of people who share a common ancestor, based on changes or mutations in the Y chromosome or mitochondrial DNA. Haplogroup E1b1a is found mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in West Africa, suggesting that Ramses III had direct patrilineal ancestors originating from this region.

Equally interesting is the discovery that Ramses III was killed, and probably during the so-called "harem conspiracy." Digital microscopy and computed tomography studies of Ramses III's neck have revealed a deep wound, probably created by a sharp object of that length, that was the primary cause of death.

In the context of Egyptian history, Ramses III became known for his political and military successes as well as his architectural achievements. His specific haplogroup E1b1a links him to a genetic past in sub-Saharan Africa and offers a fascinating insight into the intertwining of history, genetics, and identity.

However, Ramses III is not only significant for his political and architectural achievements. His genetic affiliation also offers us an important clue to the historical connection between Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa. This may lead to a better understanding of cultural and ethnic continuity in this region.

Ramses III leaves a legacy that is significant to his contemporaries as well as to contemporary historians and geneticists. His reign as one of the most important pharaohs of ancient Egypt and his genetic roots tell a fascinating story that needs to be further explored to explain the complete picture of his life story. Thus, Ramses III remains a central figure in the history of ancient Egypt, whose importance extends beyond the boundaries of his time and country.

Ramses III belonged in the paternal line to the haplogroup E-M96.

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Swabbing Cheeks, Unveiling Pharaohs: My Genealogical Journey Back to Ramses III with iGENEA

C. Bär

Delving into my past through iGENEA's DNA testing was a revelation in itself, leading me down a path of lineage that traced back to the powerful Pharaoh Ramses III. As I narrate my experience, embrace the thrill and fascination of discovering connection with an ancient civilization. (C. Bär)

Embarking on the voyage of exploring one’s genealogy is always a thrilling endeavor, loaded with mysterious turns and unexpected revelations. When I opted to process my DNA test with iGENEA, I was stepping into this journey not expecting anything peculiar. However, the result stunned me and threw me into a whirlwind of surprise, fascination, and an intense sense of connection with an ancient past. The swab kit I received from iGENEA was simple to use, with explicit instructions that were easy to follow. It took a slight effort and a few minutes of my time to swab the inner lining of my cheek and send the sample safely back to the company.

During the waiting period of six to eight weeks, the company provided timely updates, keeping me well-informed about the progress. The day I received the genealogy report rolled out a red carpet to the past, making my heart pound with a peculiar intensity. The detailed report from iGENEA proved that I shared common ancestry with the tribal groups from North Africa, but what set the ground shaking was the revelation that I am related to Pharaoh Ramses III. It was a piece of extremely overwhelming information that made me feel like a part of living history.

The feeling of connection to an ancient and powerful lineage is indeed awe-inspiring. The detailed insights and analysis offered by the report were easy to understand, thanks to the user-friendly layout and lucid explanations. The customer service team was commendable, ready to provide additional clarifications, and responsive to queries.

iGENEA’s comprehensive DNA test has taught me more about myself than I could have ever unveiled. The experience has not only broadened my understanding of my lineage but redefined my perception of identity. This journey enriched my connection with the past, enhancing my appreciation for history and human evolution. Every test result is a personal story; mine is eerily beautiful, a haunting connection to a past of pyramids, scribes, and sarcophagi.

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Questions and answers about the DNA test

After we have received the samples it normally takes 6 weeks for the fist results. Depending on the chosen test the result is thus already fully ready or further analysis are done.

If you order and pay for a test set for somebody else online, the address of the other person under “Comments”. We will then send the collection kit to the address of this person. You can also place your order by phone or e-mail.

This is how the DNA origin analysis works

A Mucus Sample suffices to get a sample of your DNA. Taking the sample is simple and painless and can be done at home. Send the samples with the envelop included in the sampling kit.

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